
Welcome to the brand new Personalized Brands blog! We are thrilled that you are here! This blog will give us an opportunity to showcase some of our favorite products & brands! We hope you will follow along with us and gain some valuable information! We are also looking forward to sharing some of the knowledge and insight from our 13 years in business. We have had many ups and downs and hope to share what we have learned through it all.

Here are some topics you can look forward to reading about:

  • Great companies & products that are in the same niche as our businesses
  • Information about the vendors that we have used over the last 13 years
  • New product releases from our brands
  • Tips & tricks we have learned about running a business
  • Website vendors and software that you can use to create your own website
  • Our favorite US wholesale companies and how to set up your account
  • Information about out-sourcing products from other countries
  • The best and most cost-effective ways we have found to ship products all over the world
  • Information about the different types of editing software available and insight into our favorite one
  • Our favorite places to get images and graphics to create the thousands of products that we have on our sites
  • Why we do not sell our products on Etsy

We cannot wait to take this journey with you and we hope that you will like and share our content!

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